Monday, December 21, 2009


我的部落名为mood of today...因为我是个蛮情绪化的人,这是我在半年前发现的。很多时候,我也不晓得自己为何会那样,就是没办法控制自己的情绪。我真的需要改了!
这两天很空闲,没有什么上课,人也变的有点懒散。加上自己感冒了,有借口不必念书。 乱七八糟的床

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Flu at the caroling night

chicken mushroom porridge

haih...why am I fall sick so frequently? i'm planning to go for caroling,but woke up to find that i'm having running nose...realised that i could not eat something spicy n hot,i went to buy some ingredients n cook myself a big pot of chicken mushroom porridge...I thought i will be better after the lunch n taking the nap...but i found that it becoming worse now...Argh!!!!

Hope I will recover soon...